When I first started plotting my course when it came to reimagining and making parts available in the steampunk/machination line, one of the very first things I did was look at how difficult it was to procure real life examples- whether it be buying ...
Victorian era industrial aesthetics, which spanned much of the 19th century during Queen Victoria's reign in Britain, are characterized by a fascinating blend of elegance, functionality, and the raw display of industrial might. Here's a detailed look...
A decade ago when I decided to rework the Historic Origins site, part of it was because I came across old handwritten journals with little snippets of muse that I had written down and forgot about for a long time. I wanted to convey at the time and t...
I was sitting down this morning, just checking the 5150 and having a quiet conversation with it, and started thinking of some old Boston tunes. I could go through a huge list of other bands of the era but there was always something about Boston and a...
You know this is always a strange time of the year. Just randomly, scanning through my regular music stuff as I try to do a bit more of these days and out of the blue the song popped up that I haven't heard for probably 20 or more years. There's a st...
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forc...
These things can hold true for anyone in your life- a partner, a friend, a brother. Measure your words and your actions each time you pass each other because you cannot get time back and what you choose to do with it and for it, may be your joy or la...