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Apr 09, 2023 Talons Things

A Letter for Talon

Talon, This is Daddy. There's so much I want to say and if you are even allowed to read or have been able to read any of the other things on my website, this one is only for you. I've given mom and made this website for years now, she says she has always read them and shown them to you but I don't know what is true anymore. I want to say first, I love you so much and miss you so much right now.… Read More...
Earl Miller 154
Apr 08, 2023 Talons Things

Happy Easter Talon, Daddy Loves You...

Talon, I don't know if you remember or not but I made this for you and Mom back in 2015, and I have played it and sent it to her every Easter until recently. I always did my best to try to remind her and you that everything I was doing was for us. this is what I mean by even in my spare time I was trying to be there for you. You and her filled my day and still do. Now here in 2023, it came up in… Read More...
Earl Miller 62805
Mar 14, 2023 Talons Things

Forgive Me... This Is Personal.

This is a personal letter, and I can't guarantee that there will be anything after this. It's only here to be saved for the future and so that I'm sure they can read it. Diane Talon and Mali: “Forgive Me” Forgive me, please, forgive me. For all of the ways I've failed you,for every tear I've made you cry,for every promise I didn’t make come true. Inside of my head can be an ugly place, decorated… Read More...
Earl Miller 119659
Nov 21, 2021 Talons Things

Mind Your Choices...

"With him he made many perilous journeys, but as the years wore on he went more often alone. His ways were hard and long, and he became somewhat grim to look upon, unless he chanced to smile; and yet he seemed to Men worthy of honour, as a king that is in exile, when he did not hide his true shape. For he went in many guises, and won renown under many names." "Thus he became at last the most hardy… Read More...
Earl Miller 119753
gladiator wheat field
Jan 24, 2019 Talons Things

Each Night, A Star Reminds Me.

Sometimes, when I try to sleep, I lie awake and wonder what could I have done to be given these, these trials that I'd wish upon no man. To be away from loving heart Diane, and my son, Talon for so long. I surrendered my love to them and swore to protect and cherish them. Diane makes me see all of my faults that the world cant, yet in that its what drives me to be better. We have to hope there is… Read More...
Earl Miller 120394
Oct 01, 2018 Talons Things

Talon's Day

"Happy Birthday to my little man Talon. Youre getting so big." "Your (middle) proper name, Hunter, means you are in good company; Ullr, Skadi. Your mother, unbeknownst to memory carries Diana, bound to the sea and father guardian, Fenir." "There is always a path taken without forethought as the hunter relies on his instincts and blood-memory to see his arrow home. Rely on these my son and no… Read More...
Earl Miller 122726