May 12, 2023
The Animals Cage
"Mother's Day" 2023
If you aren't capable of handling raw emotion I'm going to ask you not to read any further. I am not holding back any words or thoughts in this, so you have been warned. It is not a pleasant journal entry, but it is reality- My reality, my son's reality. It's not for you to judge. Mother's Day is destroyed for us now. Her handler probably won't have the balls to let her read this, his own fragile…
Apr 29, 2023
The Animals Cage
Wolves: "The smell of your lies and treachery will forever bring them to you."
"The smell of your lies and treachery will forever bring them to you." Until you have seen the Gods and been in their halls, everyone with a belief can be considered chaotic, unknowing and unstable. For some people it is a lifelong conflict, and others have found personal resolution by not acknowledging that conflict at all. We rely on stories we are told and things we cannot see to absolve fears…
Apr 22, 2023
The Animals Cage
Darker Realizations 04/22
Just pacing today. I've been doing so much this last week I kind of forgot to eat and sleep a whole lot along the way, but you have to understand that clocks, calendars, and the light outside doesn't seem to have any bearing on where I'm at. I'm exhausted. I tried, really I did after my trip last week to divert some of this into something proactive, and at its root it's still the same thing. I'm…
Apr 10, 2023
The Animals Cage
A Letter to Diane
This is another personal letter going out today. I don't know what to do, nothing makes sense anymore. And I don't even know if it will be sent to her or thrown away at the door. I have to try anything. Read my previous journal entries if anything surprises you or makes you wonder about the hell that we are going through right now... "My Son is Held Hostage By His Mother" Diane, Do you even…
Apr 07, 2023
The Animals Cage
My Son is Held Hostage By His Mother
No matter how painful it is writing this, I have to. There are a lot of words and it is no small thing to read, so whoever does, thank you. I am exposing myself at my most vulnerable and doing my best to try to put everything into the right words and hopefully by the end of it you'll understand why this is so important to me to do this. I have nothing left. My son is basically being held hostage.…
Dec 21, 2018
The Animals Cage
You don't need to understand how. Just why.
Women cant possibly understand the rage created between men. It's what we are bred for. And men, it's best not to push a passionate and focused man to the point he needs to respond. It never ends well. So. You can cut another man's dick off if he pisses you off, and only get 5 years or less if you make sure he lives after. Under 3 with good behavior. I like it. Waking up to be reminded that one…