Probably my least favorite thing to have to write about, but from time to time I'm going to have to reorganize or make changes to the website and I'm going to do my best to let folks know if there's anything important enough to take note of.
Dec 15, 2024
Historic Origins Studios Site News
August-December 2024, a Long Road Traveled
Okay, it's been a long road. My site has seen a number of incarnations in its history going back well over a decade, and even longer if you include name changes to reflect my journey. 1995 I think even. Back in August, I finally had enough of seeing warning messages that server version, various software that I use and other tools were starting to show their age and some in the future would be reaching the end of their support limits. For anybody…
Sep 22, 2024
Historic Origins Studios Site News
Site & Store Update, September 2024
I've been slaving for over 10 days now doing back-end cleanup and software conversions for the Historic Origins Studios website, and a lot of the same work carries over to my other sites.10 or 15 years of reformatting old journal entries so they aren't susceptible to loss of software support in the back end, as well as just the overall logic system behind how the website is built has taken most of the time.And then there's the store, that's a…