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"I'm inviting you, in my own way, into a place of refuge. It's my place away from the chaotic rhythms that offer little consolation that is out in the rest of the world."

For some it will be a virtual library of subject that can take you to places you wish you were, wish you could be, and wish you could stay. Some still exist, some are all but forgotten except by those who are inspired to search, and remembered.

For others, it will just offer insight into where I have been, and where I'm going.

Time is irrelevant here.

Down one hall you'll notice the bookshelves become sparse and the walls fill with various imagery. Take your time, well worn seat welcomes you to rest a while.

Otherworldly sound beckons you down a staircase. Nearing the window, what you thought was wind turns out to be ever changing and eternal song carried by time. Closing your eyes, you see distant lands and faded worlds passing you by with each breath. 
