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"Walk with Me..."

A decade ago when I decided to rework the Historic Origins site, part of it was because I came across old handwritten journals with little snippets of muse that I had written down and forgot about for a long time.

I wanted to convey at the time and thereafter more about my inspiration and even more about me.  I put some of them into a introduction video that I placed at the front end of the site back in 2013 or so, and the video quality and available tools at the time by today's standards were pretty low resolution and quality.

Now, in 2024 I upscaled the old video the best I could, and I found some of the old work folders with my initial notes and panels that I used. I wanted to write this stuff down again but in a journal format because not everyone takes the time to watch the video. I plan on redoing the video since I have access to all of my old artwork, notes and of course the inspiration is still there. I'm still going to keep the old video hanging around because there's a soft spot in my heart for it, especially as how it relates to a friend of mine who had passed away, Tomak.


“Walk With Me…”

“Step back in time, when fires lit the night,  tribal drums beat to the yearning of our primal selves, and art, was truly a reflection of the soul.”

“Historic Origins was in part, born of my desire to share the beauty I found in earlier forms of art-  art that is slowly being lost in the mainstream of today's social turbulence.”

“Close your eyes. Imagine the faint smell of a wood fire, and a gentle breeze. Water trickling over a stone from a nearby stream, mists of the morning still linger as you rise. Last night, the gods spoke to you, and they conjured vision of tree, bird, water, and earth. Your hands are the tools that your mind opens to you.”

“Breathe, feel.”


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Writings on The Wall
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16 January 2020
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Writings on The Wall
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12 February 2019
Writings on The Wall
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24 January 2019
Writings on The Wall
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