As much as I hate throwing all of the different journal sections into one page, it's necessary if you've already spent the hours reading through the different sections and just want to see what I've been writing lately. You're in the right place if you just want to get up to date, but if you really want to dive into things, it's better to head over to each individual area from the menu. Either way, enjoy the possible melodic chaos that is my life.
Jan 20, 2025
Writings on The Wall
President Trump's 2025 Inaugural Speech
President Donald J. Trump's inaugural speech on January 20, 2025, was a significant moment, marking his return to the presidency following his non-consecutive terms. I did my best here to provide a detailed synopsis, I often found myself a bit overwhelmed during the speech and at the same time trying to maintain focus on jotting down notes along the way. I may expand on some of the points after I finish taking some more of this in, but here…
Dec 25, 2024
The Meandering Path
Christmas Eve 2024, I Still Dream...
I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope that your morning finds you with everything you hope for. For many years I usually spent a part of Christmas Eve reflecting and then writing on the past year and my family, and for the last couple of years that has not been possible. If you are familiar with my story you will probably understand, if you do not, I'm not going to retell it here, just let you know that I have already in my journals on my…
Dec 17, 2024
The Meandering Path
"Other Men Will Bet Against You…"
"I said this over 7 years ago. "Some will let the Gods make a game of keeping them alive, and I say, make it a poor decision for them to bet against you..." ~Fen MMXVI "And here now, I tell you I have been at their table. Gods do not hold themselves responsible for their decisions. We do. Other men will bet against you. When you look another man as an enemy in the eyes, tell him to ask his God if he thought it was a good idea to keep him alive.…
Nov 27, 2024
The Meandering Path
“A Dream Carried for a Lifetime…”
It's been a very long time since I wrote about, let alone discussed this particular dream I've carried most of my life. Someone recently asked me what my drive has been to pursue what appears to them, a very widespread list of things that don't always seem to make sense when compared to each other. Very few will be able to grasp the meaning when I say it grows exponentially in its simplicity. It's just me. I've never claimed to be easy to figure…
Oct 23, 2024
The Meandering Path
The Warmth of Copper, Brass, and Bronze…
My idea of relaxing Saturday evening. Unless you've spent years doing metal work, it's hard to describe the satisfaction and also the kindred spirit you feel even watching someone else at their craft. I've met many artisans over the years, including ones from other countries and funny enough, we don't even have to speak the same language.There's an undeniable romance in the patina and warmth of metals like copper, bronze, and brass that modern…
Sep 30, 2024
The Meandering Path
Steampunk Fairies?
I mean, who doesn't like fairies, and the chance to mix it up a little bit with some steampunk it's just, well, fun. Of course the fairies are hot, but I had a lot of interest in the environments and backgrounds utilized in this video as well. AI has come a long way, and I have no complaints.
Sep 16, 2024
The Meandering Path
Dialing In...
When I first started plotting my course when it came to reimagining and making parts available in the steampunk/machination line, one of the very first things I did was look at how difficult it was to procure real life examples- whether it be buying them new which is almost impossible, short of being limited to modern parts, or spending hours trying to hunt down ones that people were offering that could classify as antique, or vintage. The…
Sep 16, 2024
The Meandering Path
"Walk with Me..."
A decade ago when I decided to rework the Historic Origins site, part of it was because I came across old handwritten journals with little snippets of muse that I had written down and forgot about for a long time. I wanted to convey at the time and thereafter more about my inspiration and even more about me. I put some of them into a introduction video that I placed at the front end of the site back in 2013 or so, and the video quality and…
Sep 13, 2024
The Meandering Path
Let Me Explain Victorian Era Influences On…
Victorian era industrial aesthetics, which spanned much of the 19th century during Queen Victoria's reign in Britain, are characterized by a fascinating blend of elegance, functionality, and the raw display of industrial might. Here's a detailed look: Materials and Texture: Iron and Steel: The use of iron, and later steel, was predominant. These materials were celebrated for their strength and versatility, often left exposed to showcase the…
Jan 15, 2024
The Meandering Path
Listening To Some Old Boston…
I was sitting down this morning, just checking the 5150 and having a quiet conversation with it, and started thinking of some old Boston tunes. I could go through a huge list of other bands of the era but there was always something about Boston and a few others that just pulled you into the songs as if you were actually on a ride, specially for someone who had a particular for guitar work and the ability for it in the right hands to convey…
Dec 19, 2023
The Meandering Path
A song came on that I hadn't heard in a long time…
You know this is always a strange time of the year. Just randomly, scanning through my regular music stuff as I try to do a bit more of these days and out of the blue the song popped up that I haven't heard for probably 20 or more years. There's a strange story behind it too because back in high school, my special girl Patty back then rolled this song out in the middle of the night. I'll just paint a quiet picture of the green glow of the stereo…
May 12, 2023
The Animals Cage
"Mother's Day" 2023
If you aren't capable of handling raw emotion I'm going to ask you not to read any further. I am not holding back any words or thoughts in this, so you have been warned. It is not a pleasant journal entry, but it is reality- My reality, my son's reality. It's not for you to judge. Mother's Day is destroyed for us now. Her handler probably won't have the balls to let her read this, his own fragile existence would probably shit itself at the…
Apr 29, 2023
The Animals Cage
Wolves: "The smell of your lies and treachery…
"The smell of your lies and treachery will forever bring them to you." Until you have seen the Gods and been in their halls, everyone with a belief can be considered chaotic, unknowing and unstable. For some people it is a lifelong conflict, and others have found personal resolution by not acknowledging that conflict at all. We rely on stories we are told and things we cannot see to absolve fears and answer questions being asked, time immortal.…
Apr 22, 2023
The Animals Cage
Darker Realizations 04/22
Just pacing today. I've been doing so much this last week I kind of forgot to eat and sleep a whole lot along the way, but you have to understand that clocks, calendars, and the light outside doesn't seem to have any bearing on where I'm at. I'm exhausted. I tried, really I did after my trip last week to divert some of this into something proactive, and at its root it's still the same thing. I'm trying anything and everything I can to reach out…
Apr 10, 2023
The Animals Cage
A Letter to Diane
This is another personal letter going out today. I don't know what to do, nothing makes sense anymore. And I don't even know if it will be sent to her or thrown away at the door. I have to try anything. Read my previous journal entries if anything surprises you or makes you wonder about the hell that we are going through right now... "My Son is Held Hostage By His Mother" Diane, Do you even realize or care, or have any remorse whatsoever for…
Apr 09, 2023
Talons Things
A Letter for Talon
Talon, This is Daddy. There's so much I want to say and if you are even allowed to read or have been able to read any of the other things on my website, this one is only for you. I've given mom and made this website for years now, she says she has always read them and shown them to you but I don't know what is true anymore. I want to say first, I love you so much and miss you so much right now. You are old enough to know now about some of the…
Apr 08, 2023
Talons Things
Happy Easter Talon, Daddy Loves You...
Talon, I don't know if you remember or not but I made this for you and Mom back in 2015, and I have played it and sent it to her every Easter until recently. I always did my best to try to remind her and you that everything I was doing was for us. this is what I mean by even in my spare time I was trying to be there for you. You and her filled my day and still do. Now here in 2023, it came up in my reminders to send it to you guys and it just…
Apr 07, 2023
The Animals Cage
My Son is Held Hostage By His Mother
No matter how painful it is writing this, I have to. There are a lot of words and it is no small thing to read, so whoever does, thank you. I am exposing myself at my most vulnerable and doing my best to try to put everything into the right words and hopefully by the end of it you'll understand why this is so important to me to do this. I have nothing left. My son is basically being held hostage. I am trying to be erased. Buried. It's no public…
Mar 21, 2023
The Meandering Path
Last of the Hard Men
"The most terrifying force of death, comes from the hands of men who wanted to be left alone. They try, so very hard, to mind their own business and provide for themselves and those they love. They resist every impulse to fight back, knowing the forced and permanent change of life that will come from it. They know, that the moment they fight back, their lives as they have lived them, are over. The moment the men who wanted to be left alone are…
Mar 14, 2023
Talons Things
Forgive Me... This Is Personal.
This is a personal letter, and I can't guarantee that there will be anything after this. It's only here to be saved for the future and so that I'm sure they can read it. Diane Talon and Mali: “Forgive Me” Forgive me, please, forgive me. For all of the ways I've failed you,for every tear I've made you cry,for every promise I didn’t make come true. Inside of my head can be an ugly place, decorated with the remains of my regrets, and holds the…
Feb 23, 2023
Writings on The Wall
"The Bells Don't Ring Anymore..."
Babe, Do you remember this? Do you remember making it? I remember that day clearly, because it always meant something to me. When we talked about making a door chime for our store, and the thing about the four bells I remember joking and saying: “The four bells were there to remind us of our family. You, Me, Mali, and a son we hoped to have one day. That way each time it rings when the door opens it's to remind us why we are doing this and we…
Feb 14, 2023
Writings on The Wall
Happy Valentines Day Babe 2023
Happy Valentine's Day babe. This has been a strange year, and yet things have been going good, I wanted to get you something to make up for your birthday and Christmas for you too, but as you know having to walk away from the company I put so much time into I needed to do for my own feeling of self-worth. You've always told me that material things don't make a difference, but as a man it's always been my heart in the back of my mind that I can…
May 13, 2022
The Meandering Path
You Don’t Just Lose Someone Once...
These things can hold true for anyone in your life- a partner, a friend, a brother. Measure your words and your actions each time you pass each other because you cannot get time back and what you choose to do with it and for it, may be your joy or lament. I have lost much and will lose much, we all do. Today I send a brother to his maker and hope to make good on the things we were, the things we became and the things we aspired to. You were just…
Nov 21, 2021
Talons Things
Mind Your Choices...
"With him he made many perilous journeys, but as the years wore on he went more often alone. His ways were hard and long, and he became somewhat grim to look upon, unless he chanced to smile; and yet he seemed to Men worthy of honour, as a king that is in exile, when he did not hide his true shape. For he went in many guises, and won renown under many names." "Thus he became at last the most hardy of living Men, skilled in their crafts and lore,…
Jun 25, 2020
Writings on The Wall
I Lost My Best Friend Yesterday. And So Much More.
Our passions are derived from what we are most comfortable with. Things we can count on, the things we know. We adventure within ourselves and the things we choose to share are wrought from that comfort, the things we have grown to love and even sometimes hate because it challenged us on or own terms. Mali was a gift at a time when something was missing, very long ago. She has been with me, our family since she was a pup, and travelled too many…
Jan 16, 2020
Writings on The Wall
Meeting of Kings and a Sea of Distance.
My dreams lead me to many places, and at many times. Old soul, perhaps. Blood Empathy? I'm sure of it, in some way. I cant explain the vivid detail, nor the exhaustion upon waking up. Bruised at times, sore, and tired. Every step I take and day that passes in these dreams wears heavy even after awakening. Knowing these inhabitants, their lives and memory of past experiences with them are more than contrived storytelling. I have been there. I…
Mar 26, 2019
Writings on The Wall
Why Men and Women Age Differently. (And Why They…
I talk with many people about a wide variety of subjects. I'm a talker. Yeah. One thing we have too little of these days is the "fireside converstion". At the end of the day whether it be at a community meal or even a simple wind-down with one's family. Many problems socially and family natured could be solved or not even exist, I think, if people had more of this in their lives. One thing that comes up frequently is how and why I deal with…
Feb 14, 2019
Writings on The Wall
Happy Valentine's Day Babe...
Remember the reasons you do what you do guys. It all comes back to you. I hope everyone out there can take the time to do little things, and big things when you can, just not on a special day, but every day. They re worth it. I planned on being back at my studio to finish the evenstar, but the weather and life in general hasnt allowed for that. Soon. Nonetheless, heres a part of a little note I sent. Sometimes just a note, a flower from a high…
Feb 12, 2019
Writings on The Wall
A Little Love, A Little Wolf...
So, Diane's been exploring some creative energy and me, being me always tries to come up with something I can let her wake up to. I wont get into the creation and machining of the final tools, everyone knows I can already do that, and these are just a little way I can somehow express my "me" time doing things I love doing too. They are stamps and molds for whatever medium she decides to use them on. PMC, Polymer, Wax, what have you. I can't show…
Jan 31, 2019
Writings on The Wall
Adding To The Sagas...
Let me tell you something about the Gods, Ragnarok, and what it means to the lives of men. Over time the Gods contrive stories to meet an end thats not always in the favor of men. One thing you can be sure of though, is truth greets you each morning and can be the thing that carries your dreams through the night. Our sagas are ongoing. Men have only lost their way, and stopped teaching through them. This might explain the sense of hopelessness…
Jan 24, 2019
Talons Things
Each Night, A Star Reminds Me.
Sometimes, when I try to sleep, I lie awake and wonder what could I have done to be given these, these trials that I'd wish upon no man. To be away from loving heart Diane, and my son, Talon for so long. I surrendered my love to them and swore to protect and cherish them. Diane makes me see all of my faults that the world cant, yet in that its what drives me to be better. We have to hope there is a reason for all this, and rely on each other to…
Jan 16, 2019
Writings on The Wall
"Shut Up"
"Shut Up" Shut up about "your land". It's not. It hasn't been for hundreds of years. Throughout history, land has been regularly and systematically taken by stronger groups in power. If you want it back, the only way you will get it is by the same means you are complaining about right now. Otherwise, if you aren't prepared to do the same thing, shut up. Shut up about slavery. You haven't been in chains or forced to work for no pay under threat…
Dec 21, 2018
The Animals Cage
You don't need to understand how. Just why.
Women cant possibly understand the rage created between men. It's what we are bred for. And men, it's best not to push a passionate and focused man to the point he needs to respond. It never ends well. So. You can cut another man's dick off if he pisses you off, and only get 5 years or less if you make sure he lives after. Under 3 with good behavior. I like it. Waking up to be reminded that one poor decision can cast you into a pit of manless…
Dec 19, 2018
Writings on The Wall
Well Said Brother. Well said.
I was inspired and made warm from words written by another brother, Richard, who took some time to express his thoughts on a subject no too uncommon today. Alot of the chaos present in society in general these days can be attributed to the degradation of human behavior involving relationships. It's always greener on the other side of the fence. Not. Richard writes: "I find it's a shame, the way relationships are today. I watch through this…
Dec 12, 2018
Writings on The Wall
I Would Like to Think...
Anyone who knows me- really knows me, will tell you I say I am a simple man, but in truth I think I'm far from it. When I say that I mean my dreams and aspirations are simple. To love, and be loved. To hold small things in my hand for a time and leave them in places where perhaps they may bring a simple smile to someone for a time and during those times they need it most. Nothing more. Like any man Ive spent time chasing worldly things and like…
Nov 18, 2018
Writings on The Wall
A Long Road, and Finally, Almost 10 Years in The…
Its been over a decade since I set this to mind, then drawing, then periodic updates to keep it on my bench- out of sight but never forgotten. Much has happened during this time, and it can be sometimes painfully obvious for anyone reading my journals over the years. More pictures below. I am finally able to finish this, it's been close to my heart for so long and the wind that whispers to me across still water tells me it's time. Custom…
Oct 01, 2018
Talons Things
Talon's Day
"Happy Birthday to my little man Talon. Youre getting so big." "Your (middle) proper name, Hunter, means you are in good company; Ullr, Skadi. Your mother, unbeknownst to memory carries Diana, bound to the sea and father guardian, Fenir." "There is always a path taken without forethought as the hunter relies on his instincts and blood-memory to see his arrow home. Rely on these my son and no forest, earth, or water can tire you, no burden too…
Feb 12, 2018
Writings on The Wall
A Walk Among the Gods.
I often speak of blood empathy. It's my own observation and deduction of perhaps, a greater answer to question not everyone is willing to dwell upon. I've never been one to walk the path, but meander among the trees, over stone and briefly stopping at water's edge to drink. I need very little in this way. I find myself not needing to question many things because of it, not because it's a way to answer them and satisfy, but to experience them…
Nov 17, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Closer to The Heart...
"Every year for decades, around this time of year I quietly look back on life's meanderings. This year is especially reflective, it's getting harder to see coal to forge and the hand fails to strike word without trembling reminder the sands of time were not part of the immortal bargain." "...For that I am sorry." "The blacksmith and the artist,Reflect it in their art,They forge their creativityCloser to the heart." "So many things I would tell…
Nov 15, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Missing My Family
Miss my little guy Talon and Diane so much sometimes. We all have to do things from time to time that we think, are what's needed to make a better life for our kids, our wives, or even other family members- time and time again we see this "better life" topic crop up in subject used as a reason, excuse or even some banner of pride and one universal shortcoming that is almost always overlooked until it's too late is that no matter what you feel…
Sep 22, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Dawn breaks with knowing for the first time in my life, the possibility of never- the small hope that I have wanes with each day, how long before that is even enough to sway gentle breeze to touch brow and lift down cast eye. Shoulders tremble because the weight they bear that at one time seemed effortless now calls to see knee bent and palm to ground. Song in heart seems distant and wave breaks on a shore I'm bound to rest. One day I hope to…
Sep 20, 2017
Writings on The Wall
If Only Your Life Could Hold Magic
As I have found. Books are written, songs are made to reflect the things we experience. Sometimes, as is everyone's right, a story seems as though you are living it through the storyteller's very eyes. Just a few thoughts, most I keep to myself. All who wander are not lost.
Aug 09, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Some Advice. Don't Challenge a Man and His Family.
You know, you'd figure people would have a general idea its not a good thing to get in the way of a man and his family. Men. Government. Gods. You're never going to be safe, and defeat comes on silent, swift wings when you least expect it as patience being taught first order to a young hunter. Best advice I can give anybody... A threat? No. A simple consequence. Lesser men die for far less than noble reasons. "There is no greater victory than to…
Jun 13, 2017
Writings on The Wall
How to Recognize Any Classical Artist- A Little…
I came across this and found it to be funny, but somewhat spot on too if you have any familiarity with some of these classical artists. Enjoy. The history of painting reaches back in time to artifacts from pre-historic humans, and spans all cultures. It represents a continuous, though periodically disrupted, tradition from Antiquity. Across cultures, and spanning continents and millennia, the history of painting is an ongoing river of…
Feb 17, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Evidence of Viking Outpost Found in Canada
Sharpeners may be smoking guns in quest for New World's second Viking site. The sad story behind the scenes though- Pat is still fighting the Canadian Government to correct the blatant mistakes made in handling this information. ~Fen For the past 50 years—since the discovery of a thousand-year-old Viking way station in Newfoundland—archaeologists and amateur historians have combed North America's east coast searching for traces of Viking…
Feb 14, 2017
Writings on The Wall
Why I Do What I Do...
Future historians will surely grow bored after recounting the last 50 years I'm sure. It will be pock marked with the regression our species decided to embark upon. Seek to change that. Teach your children of past artists, thinkers, and dreamers and inspire them through your own passions. Learn Latin today. Peruse Egyptian, Celtic, and Native American art, and lose your breath at the wonder and accomplishments of Greek, Roman and Italian…
Nov 25, 2016
Writings on The Wall
First Fires: Furnace Burn In and Test Ingots.
Just an update, I finally managed to get the initial burn in for the small furnace done. And, me being me decided to make a quick video about it. You have to understand, for me this is a milestone of sorts. I've been getting ready for this for a very long time now. This stage means I'm ready to go. I haven't been blessed with armies of minions to cover the slack so at times it's been slow, but sure. I don't think I'd have it any other way…
Nov 23, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Why You Have to Do It For Yourself.
I was catching up on Julian Lennon's stuff, and came across a video he posted from David Bowie. It fits the sentiment lately, perfectly. I know quite a few artists that toil endlessly at what appears to me to be satisfying the crowds. In doing so, you lose focus and even passion over time. Seriously, ask yourself why you do it in the first place. Your best work comes from doing it for yourself first.
Nov 19, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Just a Little Hint...
Well, new equipment has been tuned and working just fine. Heres a "little" view into some of the things going on. Below, is a partial finish, I still have the wood texture and aging to add, but it's there. Packaging for Historic Origins offerings is going to be, I'm hoping, collectible as much as the artifacts I make. I'm pulling all stops and doing things the way I want- over the top. And of course theres Lego mods I'm doing (Yes, can you say…
Nov 18, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Robin Williams: Make Your Life Spectacular.
Seeing this earlier today, warranted me having to just say something about it. He's right in so many ways. I associate with Robin very easily, and over the years many of his observations, trials, and life scenarios identify with me because I've walked similar paths. Some of the best wisdom is taken from personal experiences and an afterthought for most people. It's easy to be "public", we see it all the time and there are folk out there who need…
Oct 26, 2016
Writings on The Wall
A Life in My Dreams...
Chasing my love, my queen (or princess) for hours around long corridors, up hundreds of stairs, and through rooms of gold, polished stone and all manner of frivolous whimsy in what I would assume, ancient Egypt. Hopping over a wall to cut off my prey I land in the street below. Dancing past, over and under people going about their daily routines, knowing almost all of them, their names, and even their loved ones. Stopping along the way to help a…
Oct 20, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Just A Quick Test. Weathered Effects.
I got bored (well, needed to sideline myself for just a bit) and decided to test the ability for me to reproduce weathered effects both in the 3D software, and also with patina effect. Not too bad, I like it. The stone is a slightly larger version of one of the earlier tests I did, being about 3.25". I'm probably going to produce some real nice(er) desktop versions of my own patterning in bronze, this was a archeological 3D scan I worked with- I…
Sep 16, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Loving The Creative. A Pocket Edition.
It has been proven that highly creative people’s brains work quite differently than other brains. That special brain wiring that can create such wonderful art, music, and writing can often lead to strain in a relationship, because of those differences. If you’ve ever loved a highly creative person, you know that it can seem like they live in their own little word at times, and that thought isn’t far from the truth. Here are some things to keep…
Sep 12, 2016
Writings on The Wall
The Story, You, and Blood Empathy.
Blood Empathy. A term I used many years ago when describing the connection to those who came before us when re-telling or even thinking to oneself their stories. It can be a passion, sadness or distaste that wells up from within; Sometimes subtle and other times it can overwhelm oneself. It's not the same as having a kind heart and being moved by a tale of kindness, or shedding a tear born of seen or spoken sadness, nor the wave of your heart at…
Sep 11, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Guys: Just a Word Of Advice. Be Worthy of Her.
Time and time again I see sad women, and pathetic men. Welcome to my ludus. You were made for loving her. Prove it, in all things- of worth. "Your tears! Your blood! Your pathetic lives forged into something of worth. Listen! Learn! And, perhaps, live - As Gladiators! Now Attend your master." "A Gladiator does *not* fear death. He embraces it. Caresses it. *Fucks* it. Each time he enters the arena, he slips his cock in the mouth of the beast,…
Aug 04, 2016
Writings on The Wall
A Quick Set of Crucible Tongs (Lifter)
Needed to make a pair for an A6, so a few feet of 1/8" X 1" flat stock, scrap 1" 3/4 and some 2 1/4", with some black 1/2" pipe I was able to weld up these in a few hours. Most of the time was spent measuring and determining the width and placements of the rounded side fingers.They are held together with a 5/16" bolt and some washers for spacer between the sides. I purposely left this a bit loose to allow some play since without any, the units…
Jul 13, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Coming Soon: "Njordwood Alchemy™"
It's funny where some of my inspiration comes from, and even more so where I "work things out" in that place I use my "mind's toolshop". See, I have a glorious view of the river and ridge edge here, its reminiscent of a outlet you might see in Norway, Scotland, or Ireland... From the bathroom. For decades now, I've made my way doing things I love yet one elusive corner always has been presentation. I've done jewelry, leather, accessories,…
Jun 23, 2016
Writings on The Wall
First Waxes, in The New Shop 2016
It doesn't sound like much, but the first waxes coming out of a new setup are a mark of progress. Add that with a visit by a minion of a snake cult and some good music. Not that I'm relaxing, but I am breathing a bit better because this whole result today marked the working completion of a whole chain of new, untested equipment, new methods until now worked out on paper only, and some serious sack sweat. Let the molding and production onsalught…
Jun 12, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Almost Finished With "The List". Mostly. Yeah.
The end of the "list" is finally in sight. Taking advantage of a yearly awaited sale from a couple manufacturers to get the rest of the big ticket items on the foundry list. (Compressors, Vibratory Tumblers, a Pyramid Sized Pallet of IFB, Industrial Oven, etc) I also get a tour of a facility near Philadelphia and some lazy real-estate scouting in the mix. Now theres this annoying "little list" of the stuff you don't think about if its your first…
May 11, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Watlington Hoard May Re-write Early English…
Researchers from the British Museum recently unveiled a Viking hoard of silver that may rewrite early English history. An amateur discovered the treasure in a field in Watlington, Oxfordshire, around 40 miles west of London. The collection of more than 200 items, which includes silver coins, jewelry, and ingots, was intentionally buried in the late 870s A.D., during a tumultuous period when Anglo-Saxon armies fought to repel conquering Viking…
Apr 15, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Ceramic Shell "Flip" Pours with Bronze
Always looking for ways to look backwards, yet innovate. I present to you a "not tutorial", rather an insight into thinking outside the box, or crucible in this case. ~Fen Artopsy writes: This is a hollow silicon bronze casting I did using the 'flip' technique with ceramic shell moulds. I thought I'd give you a brief run down of how this was made. This isn't a tutorial as I couldnt handle the guilt/responsibility if any of you tried to replicate…
Feb 26, 2016
Writings on The Wall
Answering the Question: How Places Like…
I've always been fascinated by construction methods used for Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, and others. I think this guy is on to something, and even if hes not right what hes doing can be applied to projects we do today. I may get my Fenir-esque Easter Island Effigy for my yard yet. Using what he believes are the original methods, retired carpenter W.T. Wallington has recreated his own version of the ancient megalith. According to Wallington,…
Feb 07, 2016
Writings on The Wall
3D Printing. Took the Plunge.
It was inevitable. Last year, I began a serious delve into kicking my design skills on the computer up a few more notches. I mean, I've spent years (decades really now) working with digital art, and all this time it's primarily been for the crazy idea that eventually, I'll be able to do things more efficiently in the studio. I've got about 300 hours of direct applied time in class (3D) and I noticed how the previous skillsets made this come…
Jan 03, 2016
Writings on The Wall
2016 is Here and I Have a List
Late 2015 dropped a few hairy cockroaches into my codpiece, and set me back a season. I'm not one to let things get me down for long, but the one thing I do have issue dealing with is my own sense of urgency. When I get on a creative roll, it's stifling to those around me and I apologize for that. No, not really, sorry. I left a descent roll in Hawaii a couple years ago because I had to face the fact that the tech industry just wasn't a…
Dec 24, 2015
Writings on The Wall
Reflections: Christmas 2015
Have a good holiday all, I hope you all get what you wanted to out of it. While you are doing your thing, take the time to think about the things you have that cannot be bought. Trust me on this, one day will come a time when "just one more minute" will be your sum of a world's weight in gold. I used to enjoy the holidays, perhaps in a slightly different way than the societal norm. It's no secret that I abhor the materialistic approach in…
Dec 08, 2015
Writings on The Wall
Almost There Folks, 2015
I know this won't mean much on the surface, but Historic Origins, as a website has gone through quite a few incarnations over the years. It's been a reflection of my ever changing tastes and desires, but ever since I started in business in the early 90's I've wanted to somehow create the perfect easel. Web design, coding, digital graphic arts, meh. I learned because I had to, and have found some enjoyment in it over the years. The problem has…
Sep 10, 2015
Writings on The Wall
What Historic Origins is All About
Bronze. White Metals. Wood. Leather. Add a long list of other things like web design, coding, digital graphic arts, meh. I learned because I had to, and have found some enjoyment in it over the years. Yeah, I've been around the block a number of times. So many, the neighbors have coffee waiting for me at every driveway. Historic Origins. It's been a reflection of my ever changing tastes and desires, but ever since I started in business in the…
May 13, 2015
Writings on The Wall
Bronze You Say?
Bronzes, for me invoke a connection to the past. A lifetime of study in the arts found me frequently returning to those pages in books and museums where the "good stuff" was: Viking, Celtic, Anglo Saxon and even Native American metalwork. I'm tribally Germanic to begin with, so I'm just settling for the belief that ancestrally I'm being beckoned backward to revisit those paths. It's also been the primary focus of my efforts for the last few…
May 07, 2015
Writings on The Wall
What is Steampunk?
For me, Steampunk can be somewhat narrowed down to the basics you'd gather on the general wikis. My desires for participation and contribution though are governed by my own interpretation and personal guidelines when it comes to creation practices. I've had decades of involvement in other "maker" genres and this one will be no different for me, I'm sure I'll surprise some and piss off others- it's the way of things and you just roll with it. My…
Jan 12, 2015
Writings on The Wall
Demons, We All Have Them
Demons. We all have them at one time or another. They can define us, or drive us. They can take the form of something as simple as a vice, habit or behavior and on a grander scale, as the stories go a physical entity. Those who choose to limit themselves by making the determination that in extreme cases these can be a sign of imagination, stress or even mental health issues have never been able to fully prove that they don't exist, but without…
Dec 10, 2014
Writings on The Wall
Realms of Steamgard: Inception
Back in 2007, I had just re-subscribed to the idea I needed to get back to design work; Casting, Leather, Wood and Metals. In addition to my normal paths (Historical, Medieval, Gothic) a newer thing made it into my peripheral vision. Steampunk. I kept an eye on it and found myself from time to time contemplating the norm for me: "If I do, what can I contribute to it's presentation and later, history?" I started where I always do. I looked at the…
Jul 22, 2014
Writings on The Wall
Where it all started: Time
This is the piece that started it all, over 30 years ago. Bronze and walrus ivory casket from Gandersheim (Anglo-Saxon origin, late 700's) I don't know what it was about researching this piece that got me all fired up, but after awhile I found myself travelling back in time to an early workshop, selecting tools by firelight- images dancing on the walls and even the smell of fresh bread to compliment a bowl of stew sitting near my lap for hours.…
Mar 19, 2014
Writings on The Wall
Thoughts On Materials
Ok, I’ll admit it. I’m a hippie of sorts when it comes to creation. I hate with a passion, what I call “landfill” resources. Plastics. Faux crap. Looking deep into my past, a recurring thought, or feeling emerges. As a small child, I hated toys that broke, or didn’t function at all after a short time. My parents did wonders for trying to serve the desires of a inquisitive little boy who could never focus on any one thing for too long. See, I was…
Jun 13, 2013
Writings on The Wall
A Few Words on Inspiration
At various stages I start pulling things together for a "feel". Out there, there are many wonderful artists who have inspired us. Inspiration is what drives us all when we make, or do something. Too much time has passed in our evolution to really, no really lay claim to something. It's been thought of, done, or even set aside for possible re-visitation by someone, somewhere before. Everything IS our "take" on what we see, feel, and hear. The…
May 07, 2011
Writings on The Wall
Nikola Tesla: an Interview
An interview that scientist Nikola Tesla gave in 1899 for the magazine "Immortality" in his laboratory in Colorado Springs. You have to take the time to think about his method of communication and he did his best to convey concepts, it being Serbian to English in the slightest, language tendencies. There are strong, universal messages contained in his thoughts. Timeless. It wouldn't matter if an individual was born 100, 1000, or even tens of…